Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Marrying who you love and who is ready ARE NOT THE SAME.

1. You met him, love to settle down with him and you knew about his lifestyles and he is trying to meet his financial targets to marry you. You left him and marry who is ready and meet a gay, temperamental, or beating type and you said men are the same... Shattap.

2. You met him and love his siblings and parents because they are accommodating and you left him because the money is not forthcoming to marry you and settle for a

man who is ready and his family becomes sorrow and tears to you and you said that men are the same.. If I slap your face ehh.

3. You travel to village and met a guy who showed you more love and care than your main guy, you started withdrawing from your first guy and started a new relationship with the new guy only to find out that he is into yahoo plus because you saw oracle and fetish images in his private room, you pick race and found out that the first guy is planning to do traditional marriage with his new love and you said that all men are the same. Are you suffering from schizophrenia and hallucinations?

4. You open your mouth to say any man that comes your way you will marry as long as he is financially stable and has a good one bathroom apartment. You jumped in and found out that you are sleeping with a married man in the city because you prayed for it and you start ranting that all men are the same. Show me your coconut head let men knock you heavily.

5. You love material things and like money to buy anything you want because you don't want to hustle legitimately as a single lady. You met a shrewd street guy that looks like an innocent man, he showed you cash, you tasted different delicious recipes and ride you in his cars. Now he and his friends drug you, all of them had sex with you, collected your phone and push you out of the car as they are dropping you off. Are men the same?

6. You left your guy and married who is ready yet you are still going back to your ex secretly in a hotel or in a private place or estate, telling him that you love his d.k, just that you want to marry. Your ex got you pregnant or raped or threaten to expose you if you refuse giving him 100s of thousands at will because he snapped you badly necked with him on the bed. And you are talking about men are the same. If I sound you.

They will tell you that you will grow to love him. It is one out of 10 men will enjoy it. Don't take the risk. Because the man in question didn't make his wealth in your presence and you did not contribute anything, and you don't know him, he just appear from nowhere and you marry without deep knowledge of him, so you are just there to answer yes sir, OK sir,.

The truth about relationships is that, Nature and God sees what we do in our relationships, how we treat our partners and how we value each other.

You may be regretting your marriage because you discharged your supposed husband and marry a beast. Some are very happy with peace of mind, coupled with wealth God has given them for their perseverance and staying together despite the odds.

Karma is not far when you betrayed the other.

©Relationship Doctor

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